For your health and the health of the ones you love, seek help in managing your anger. Being human, we can feel anger. Constructive anger is a signal to work on a certain situation and find a resolution. This can be through mediation and negotiation. Other times, we remove ourselves from the situation. However, most clients come to me when they meet the wall where their relationships or jobs are at risk. It can be caused by being in a the state of the overwhelm. However, there is hope. After one session of hypnotherapy, clients can feel less angry. Perspective and perception are everything. Most people need help in negotiating their feelings when it comes to the partners that they love. However, the role of a hypnotherapist is to be a good listener, and then to allow the client to become aware of their deeper subconscious feelings that may be leading to the anger. The anger may be warranted, and through several sessions clients are empowered to take actions that lead to the healthy release of these feelings.
If a family dynamic has been one of anger and abuse, the cycle of abuse may continue. Our body/mind always goes for homeostasis, and it can be deceptive. If anger and abuse becomes normalized, it is a threat to both your mental health and your physical well-being. Physical abuse is a crime in the U.S and Canada. If you are in danger as you are reading this, call the police and report it. Lives can be saved.
The majority of my clients come to me in order find a way out of their anger because it is interfering with their lives. When I use Time Line therapy, I help the client go back to the first event that made them angry. Once we identify the starting point, we can release the past anger, which doesn't serve them anymore.
Both children and adults, with ADD or ADHD can have low levels of dopamine and low levels of the stress hormone adrenaline. People in this situation often seek conflict for stimulation in order to feel more alert. If you personally find yourself in this pattern or someone you love is doing this, work towards fixing it now. It is known to become addictive and this is something that can get out of control. If you find you are living in a state of repressed anger, make an appointment and find out how to release it. If you live life angrily, make an appointment because change is possible.