I am a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner, Brain & Behavior Specialist, & Breath Coach. In 2010, I received my Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist certification from the Hypnosis Motivation Institute in Tarzana, California. HMI is an accredited college of hypnotherapy with a year-long curriculum whose foundation is the Kappasian modality of Emotional and Physical Suggestibility and Sexuality. Hypnotherapists graduating from HMI are trained in these techniques leading to greater depth and success. Dr. John Kappas founded HMI in 1968. Currently, his son George Kappas is at the helm of this great institute. I incorporate therapeutic hypnosis, Time Line Therapy, and various Neurolinguistics Programming techniques in order to assist individuals in regaining their equilibrium, creating new thought patterns, reframing perceptions, and transforming their lives. A non-judgmental and safe environment is necessary for clients to maximize their success in removing negative habits and addictions, reducing anxiety and stress, dealing with grief and loss, eliminating fears and phobias, and erasing unwanted memories.
Motivation is a key factor in ensuring effective and long-lasting positive change. People thrive in a state of congruency and authenticity. Upon identifying and removing emotional barriers and obstacles, each person can gain a solid sense of self which is needed to live a happy and fulfilled life.
When conducting a hypnotherapy session, I focus on the client's unique perspective. My extensive knowledge of human behavior and understanding of cultural mores allow us to build a rapport. Whether it is helping a client to get over procrastination or helping a client to regain confidence, we work together to remove blocks. It is common that along this path, we may unravel a story that leads to a deeper level in need of healing. We identify the issue and, subsequently, create a plan to resolve the problem.
Hypnotherapists work on vocational and avocational issues. I also work together with medical professionals, such as physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, dentists, myofunctional therapists, physical therapists, acupuncturists, and chiropractors in treatment compliance. I also work together with other complementary medical practitioners, as we have strengths in different areas of healing.
In 2020, I studied the Butekyo Method of breathing and subsequently have incorporated this into the work that I do. Breathing through your nose 24/7 is necessary for the overall health and wellbeing for everyone. Patrick McKeown, in his book The Oxygen Advantage, has helped pave the way to an era of focusing on the benefits of nasal breathing. James Nestor in his book all encompassing book, Breath, provides research to all breathing techniques and acknowledges the foundation of nasal breathing. My research on blood type began in 1999, from which time countless Japanese, Koreans, and Taiwanese translators shared their knowledge with me. Blood type and its subsequent affect on how we behave comes out of Japan in the mid 1920s. In my practice, I share this information to assist clients in attaining their goals. I have found blood type personality tendencies can be examined in order to attain an additional contributing factor of not only how we think, but also of how we behave. The guidebook that I created is a short and simply-worded booklet to be used as a tool in creating fulfilling relationships. Personality & Blood Type, A Guide to Love, Work, and Friendship can be found on Amazon,Barnes & Noble, and iBooks. My professional life has included the media, business, and education. I owned a media monitoring company, worked as a journalist, was the marketing director for a post-production facility, and taught adult education, among various other positions.