Why is that you can't forget someone sexually who you should be able to shake off? Or why is it that you are not able to rekindle the passion that you once had for a loved one, regardless of the tricks you conjure up? Knowledge about the E & P of sex sheds new light on sex and relationships.
The terms Physical Sexual and Emotional Sexual (E & P) were coined by Dr. John Kappas, a renown marriage and family counselor, hypnotherapist, sex therapist, and founder of the Hypnosis Motivation Institute. The path to more bliss-filled sex lives and fulfilling relationships are found by following Dr. Kappas’ strategies. Orgasmically-speaking, a physical sexual longs for an 8-cubicle release, whether they know it or not! Whereas, an emotional sexual has an opposite desire for sexual satisfaction -- they want a 1-cubicle release. After you identify your partner's sexual suggestibility, you can get on with learning how and when to work your magic. As life would have it -- a cosmic joke some would say -- we are attracted to our opposite. The P is always up for sex. On the other hand, an E is up for sex when they have the mind-set for it, which can be on a pattern of three (days, weeks, months, years). Gender has little affect with respect to E & P. Same sex relationships, as well as heterosexual relationships, have the same patterns of behavior. So when looking at this model of behavior, toss out the old idea that men always want sex and women are more moody when it comes to sex. Let's imagine two people meeting one night. The physical sexual meets an emotional sexual on the day of the emos' highest sex drive (the first day of a three day pattern) The game is on! An E is drawn to the P's outward, confident air; and the P is drawn to the E’s cool, self-assured appearance. With chemistry activated and sparks a-flying, sex is in the air. One of the factors of whether this will be mind-blowing sex is how well they are matched in this sexual suggestible categorization. With astute intuition and sexual prowess, the outcome can be explosive! The emo’s best strategy would be to give the phys an 8-cubicles release, which means bringing them to the point of orgasm seven times and on the eigth time let it release! The P is now putty in the E's hands, so to speak. And how do you make the E happy? An E is completely satisfied with a 1-cubicle release. They just may roll over and go to sleep being completely satiated. Not bugging the E, without deserting them, would give the P a stronghold in the E's life. The E & P of sexuality is formed between the ages of 9 to 14. At these specific ages, we are subconsciously molded by our primary and secondary caregivers’ relationship to each other. If the secondary caregiver is openly affectionate to the primary caregiver, the adolescent may develop a physical sexual suggestibility. If there is no secondary caregiver in the picture, the primary caregiver's sexuality may be taken on. A couple often have different ways of behaving during different times in their relationship. If there is more than one child in the family, the siblings may vary on the scale of E & P, or may even have the opposite sexual suggestibility, depending on how the couple relate to each other when the child is observing their behavior during their adolescence. One of the most important keys to understanding your sexual partner is how they prioritize specific factors in their lives. A physical sexual ranks sex and love first. Family and friends are second. Activities and hobbies are third. Career and work are last. An emotional sexual priorities work and career first. Activities and hobbies are second. Family and friends are third. And finally sex and love rank last. Note that sex is first for the phys and sex is last for the emo. Misunderstanding in this area can lead to hurt-feelings, anger, or irritation. It is easy enough to work through this, but first one must become aware of the fact that the behavior is engrained since they were young. The E & P of sex is a well kept secret. Work with a hypnotherapist who was trained in this area and it will be a great step forward in making your relationship stronger and more fulfilling.
Wendy Watson. Other Thoughts
November 2018
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