Hypnosis is defined as the overload of the conscious mind, in which a person is more suggestible to both the positives and the negatives. Hypnosis is a state of being overloaded from external and internal message units with the result of having easier access to the subconscious mind. A certified hypnotherapist is trained to facilitate a client going into a state of hypnosis in order to achieve the client's desired goals. When the conscious goals and the subconscious goals are congruent, results manifest. It is just as important to come out of a state of hypnosis as it is to going in to hypnosis. When a person comes out of a hypnosis session, the subject is clear-headed and calm.
How much Does one session Cost?
A one-hour online hypnotherapy session is $150.
Can anyone be hypnotized?
Everyone can be hypnotized. However, you cannot be hypnotized to do something against your ethics or morals. You can always resist being hypnotized at any point during a session. Dr. John Kappas from the Hypnosis Motivational Institute changed the effectiveness of hypnotherapy. Dr. Kappas coined the terms Emotional Suggestible (E) and Physical Suggestible (P). By the time we are eight years old, how our primary caregiver speaks to us creates how we take in information. If our primary caregiver speaks to us predominately in an inferential way or in a direct way, we are subconsciously trained to respond to those suggestions. Kappas discovered that people fit on a spectrum of E & P. Although we can understand both ways, each of us has a tendency to hear others speak in the way that we have been trained to listen from early in our youth. An HMI trained therapist is able to assess how a client takes in suggestions; subsequently, tailoring the session to each client. This is unique to the Kappasian modality of hypnosis. With the understanding of E & P Suggestibility the hypnosis session is effective with everyone.
How many sessions do I need to attain my goals?
One session of hypnotherapy can often garner the results that the client is looking to achieve. The effectiveness of hypnosis in therapy is one of its appeals. However, in a consultation, a client can discuss their needs and the certified hypnotherapist can discuss options for a therapeutic plan. Some clients keep a hypnotherapist on their resource list to be accessed at will. Hypnotherapists can be used for avocational and vocational goals. Also, hypnotherapists are used in conjunction with other medical professionals in order to achieve the desired goals. As with any other complimentary wellness practice, the number of times people need to attend in order to achieve the goal is individualized.