The E & P of relationships is a key to unlocking the questions that have boggled our minds about the ones that we love. Dr. Kappas was the founder of the Hypnosis Motivation Institute. He uncovered unique aspects of human behavior. The E & P of Suggestibility and Sexuality is a product of his extensive research. This takes into account how we choose our partners and how we behave in intimate relationships. If you thought that men only made sex a priority, think again. P (Physical) women make sex a priority in their lives. Whereas, both E (Emotional) men and E women rate sex 4th (fourth) on a scale of 1-4 in relationships.
What are the priorities of the E & P personas. An E prioritizes work & financial stability; next is hobbies & activities; friends & family is fourth; and the last priority is sex & love. A P prioritizes sex & love; next is friends & family; hobbies & activities is third; and work & financial stability is last. You might have noticed that these two distinct personas are quite opposite.
In finding out who you are and who you are drawn to is foundational in relationships. Awareness is the first step. Next is discovering what type of person is subconciously drawn to you. There is a dance between people in sex and love, and you can come by it naturally or you can learn the steps to dance with elegance.
Why do some people have relationships outside of a monogomous one without the partner's consent? These questions can be answered by looking through the lens of E & P.
If you are looking for love or if you are having difficulty with the one that you love now, find out more about the E & P of relationships. Take the free survey.
There is so much more to be aware of. There is so much more to learn. There is so much more to experience.